Submit your music to the LATIN PULSE MUSIC download store today! Click here to begin.
The LPM technology platform offers broad services with a Latin focused catalog. Our platform allows for retail sales of your works along with digital marketing campaigns targeted to Latin music enthusiasts worldwide. With our system you can customize your album downloads to include video, pdfs, slide shows, pictures –you name it as long as its digital. Every work is reviewed and must pass strict audio/video quality verification guidelines for inclusion in the site. Additional revenue streams include sales of digital sheet music & eBooks, as well as licensing opportunities in television and film. Best of all is the personalized service.
Run by musicians, Latin Pulse Music Inc. is a fair trade, internet-based, publishing (comprehensive rights management) company that specializes in digital sales and services related to Caribbean, Central, and South American (Latin) musical content. Our featured products include whole album downloads, videos, eBooks and digital sheet music. We make latin media downloads 100% legal, fun, fast and easy.
Member Organizations: | |
American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP) | |
Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) Internet Movie Database (IMDb Pro) National Association of Latino Independent Producers |
National Association of Recording Industry Professionals The Recording Academy (Grammys & Latin Grammys) The Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing |
Selected Partner Companies & Labels: | |
Ahi-Nama Music Bis Music Boogalu Productions Music Sales Group |
Sher Music Smithsonian Institute Spanish Music Records Termidor Music |
Please click on one of the following links to jump to the desired section:
Digital Delivery | Can't Hear Music? |
Audio and Sheet Music File Formats | Compatible Browsers |
Fill your iPOD with Latin Pulse Music | Who We Are & What We Do |
The Latin Pulse Music Website Network | Contact |
Once payment is processed every customer is directed to an individual, secure page where the products are made available for instant download. We do not ship physical items or CDs. All music is delivered in MP3-VBR (variable bit rate) format and Adobe PDF is used for the sheet music. More info regarding file formats can be found here.
LatinPulseMusic.com provides full-album audio downloads, video downloads, eBooks and digital sheet music. Single (individual) tracks are not available for purchase (we are not in the 'singles' business as we belive this adversly affects independent artists).
WINDOWS - Chrome, Firefox
MAC - Chrome, Firefox
* (not compatible with Safari or Microsoft Edge / Explorer)
While this site defaults to an HTML5 audio player, some browsers and operating systems may require the free Adobe Flash Plugin. To test your browser for Flash installation check here:
For the latest installers and uninstallers (for browsers in both Win and Mac) check here:
An album download is a zip file containing MP3 files, one per song, AND a pdf file with full scans of all CD artwork, liner notes, credits, front and back covers (whatever was submitted with the album). We strongly believe that its important to make the CREDITS available for each album (wouldn't you want your name along with the MUSICIANS credited on your work of art?). These MP3-VBR (.mp3) audio downloads are delivered as zipped files (.zip) in order to ensure that your browser does not automatically try to open or play the tracks during download. All tracks are properly tagged with the track name, number, artist and album.
All audio tracks are encoded in audiophile quality MP3-VBR audio format. MP3-VBR (Variable Bit Rate MP3) format is compatible with all digital players (both hardware and software) including the iPOD. In a double-blind test subjects could NOT tell the difference between the MP3-VBR (with alt-present standard settings) versions and the native CD audio of the music they were most familiar with. Read the full article here. Every audio track loaded onto the site is ripped in native .wav format and thoroughly tested against the original master disc. The files are then encoded with a LAME 3.9 encoder with an "--alt-preset standard" setting for MPEG 1 Layer 3 (.mp3) variable-bit-rate encoding. This file format is known as MP3-VBR, which is currently the most stable and highest quality lossy audio compression scheme known today. This method allows the music itself to decide how much compression is to be used, meaning the dense musical passages of the song are not as compressed as the sections with the most silence. The term "variable" comes into play because bit rates of 128k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k and 320k are used during compression. This special type of mp3 files are compatible with virtually all hardware and software players that play standard (non-vbr) mp3s (to date LatinPulseMusic.com has found no exceptions). Some players, most notably the older Windows Media Players, will not display the length of the track correctly for an mp3 file of this type (the WinAmp and QuickTime players, for example, do not have this problem). In order to maximize cross-platform playback capability, LatinPulseMusic.com also reserves the right to offer and compress audio files at a fixed rate of 256k.
eBook and Sheet Music files are made available via our custom "personalized pdfs" system. Click here for a full description.
Video downloads are also delivered in zip files. Once unzipped these video files are optimized for computer playback and viewing on the following software players:
- WINDOWS: Windows Media Player, DivX Player, VLC Media Player
- MAC: OSX versions of Windows Media Player, DivX Player, VLC Media Player
Audiophile quality MP3-VBR files are fully compatible with the iPOD (iTunes 4.1 and later can also encode MP3s using VBR). All tracks are properly tagged with the track name, number, artist and album. Though not recommended, you can fit more music into your portable MP3 player by converting any track to a .wav file and compressing (encoding) to a lower bit-rate.
APPLY TO LPM -submit your music for digital retail sales
Are you a latin music artist or label? Tired of those tip sheet services? Pay for a lead or get PAID! Make your works available to latin music enthusiasts world-wide so you can promote, market, and profit from your songs. We make latin music downloads 100% legal, fun, fast and easy.
LATIN PULSE MUSIC Inc., a digital retail outlet of latin music, is currently accepting submissions from authorized representatives only. An authorized representative is defined as the person that holds the copyright, or has written permission to administer the copyright, of the songs/tracks to be considered. Only complete albums more than 40 minutes worth of music will be accepted. All submissions MUST include a signed distribution agreement.
Download the Digital Retail Agreement! (click here to download)
Brief outline of the Agreement:
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: Why are the revenues split 50%-50%?
Simply because we provide some kick-ass technology on our content-rich pages. Take a moment to compare one of our pages (artist page sample here & album page sample here) with iTUNES or CD Baby. Do they have a dedicated artist page for you? Do they have your sample tracks, along with your photos, videos, ringtones and digital sheet music on the same page? No. Also compare the money breakdown. To get your stuff on iTUNES, which charges 30%, you'll need an aggegator -a service that hosts and/or loads your tracks into iTUNES- and they in turn charge 15%. So compare that 45% total to our 50%. That's just 5% more for all this dedicated web space and functionality. You decide.
We offer broad services with a Latin focused catalog. Our platform allows for retail sales of your works along with digital marketing campaigns targeted to Latin music enthusiasts worldwide. With our system you can customize your album downloads to include video, pdfs, slide shows, pictures –you name it as long as its digital. Every work is reviewed and must pass strict audio/video quality verification guidelines for inclusion in the site. Additional revenue streams include sales of digital sheet music & eBooks, as well as licensing opportunities in television and film. Best of all is our personalized service.
Run by musicians, Latin Pulse Music Inc. is a fair trade, internet-based, publishing company that specializes in digital sales and services of Caribbean, Central, and South American (Latin) musical content. Our featured products include whole album downloads, videos, eBooks and digital sheet music. Our custom system also sells view and print access to sheet music and ebooks: an extremely innovative and secure solution. All revenues generated via this digital system are evenly split with the artists or their authorized representatives. We make latin media downloads 100% legal, fun, fast and easy.
Email is the most effective way to send your inquiries, messages and feedback (LatinPulseMusic.com is an internet based business). Please select among the following departments:
For general and licensing inquiries: latinpulsemusicstore [at] gmail [dot] com
For customer service and technical support: latinpulsemusicstore [at] gmail [dot] com
Latin Pulse Music Inc.
831 Laca Street
Dayton, NV 89403
The 'LPM / latinpulsemusic.com / Tu Música Ahora!' logo
is a registered trademark of Latin Pulse Music Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited by law.